Wednesday, July 3, 2013

First Days in Manila

Stepping off the plane in Manila I was hit by a wall of hot sticky air and immediately began to sweat…today is my fourth day in the Philippines and I don’t think I’ve sweat more in my entire life. Minus the heat, humidity, and frequent thunder storms, this summer has been off to a great start. While based in Manila, I’m living on the 33rd floor of one of the nicest apartment buildings in the city, which feels a bit strange when there is a slum just a couple blocks away. I’ve never seen such a blatant income disparity the rich literally live on top of the poor in Manila or in gated communities with high walls and guards. I'm really looking forward to getting outside  of the city!

  •  I'm constantly adressed as ma'am and the guards in my building run to open the door everytime I enter or exit "Good morning ma'am" "Goodbye ma'am."  The use of Sir and Ma'am are extremely common and is said to be a vestige of the Spanish Colonial Age. 
  • Churches, also imported by the Spanish, are abundant throughout the city, which are often next door to what seems like thousands of McDonalds, which serve rice and banana dishes.
  • Filipinos are serious about their malls! They are huge, practically on every couple blocks, and act as a public space where people go to hangout.
  • Traffic in Manila is crazy! Luckily cabs are incredibly cheap, but it take hours to get anywhere..Many people take long painted jeeps called jeepneys.

On my second day we drove three hours outside the city to Mt Pinotubo, a volcano that erupted in 1991. It is now a beautiful lake surrounded by volcanic valleys and jungle. We rode on jeeps Indiana Jones style over rocks, mud, and rivers. At one point, we got stuck in a river so our driver got out and moved several large boulders with his bare hands, while our jeep was nearly horizontal. It was a bumpy ride...

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