Wednesday, August 21, 2013

GK Enchanted Farm

On Sunday we traveled about an hour outside of Manila to visit the “Gawad Kalinga (GK) Enchanted Farm” While on-site, we learned that the farm is not only an organic farm, but a social enterprise incubator. Started just a few years ago, GK has helped launch dozens of social enterprises that source their products directly from the farm and promote activities that create a livelihood for the local community. Some of the enterprises include all natural skin and shampoo products, bamboo bikes, salted duck eggs, hot sauce, one of the Philippines most successful all-natural teas, and more. Entrepreneurs from around the world come to GK to learn about building a profitable enterprise that supports the local community.

GK enterprises currently benefit thousands people across the Philippines, but they have plans to empower 5 million families by 2024. They are founded on the vision that the only way to alleviate poverty is to create jobs that benefit the local community in a sustainable way.We were given a tour of the site, where we shown many new buildings under construction, all built out of bamboo.

This is the “Hundai Center for Green Innovation” which will be used to hold social innovation classes, conferences, and serve as a incubation space for entrepreneurs around the world.

To learn more about GK visit:

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